Feng Shui Technique: "Pushing-People-In" to Attract Business Customers

In this blog, I want to talk about very interesting technique called Pushing People In. What is Pushing-People-In technique? By activating this particular zone in your house, you are inviting new people into your life. Depending on the sector of activation, it can invite specific people into your life: on the site, I provide 3 specific calculations: first, gives the opportunity to find love, second, helps to get pregnant, third, helps to boost the business sales and brings more customers.

The activations are truly unique and special because each calculation is targeted and individual. The chance to activate a zone comes only twice to three times a year.

That is why I precalculated Pushing People In activations for the whole year and placed it in Feng Shui activation, so you can plan accordingly beforehand.

This activation is very powerful. Usually, before offering the technique to the clients, I try to use it first on myself and my family. I should say that sometimes my testdrives can be bumpy. The same happend to the "Pushing People In" activation. When I tried the activation for the first time, I needed the business activation to attract more clients. Usually the business activations should be held at the business venue. It was not possible for me because I mostly work from home. So I activated "Pushing People In" at home. I could see the changes as soon as the next morning. My brother-in-law called and said that he will be in town and will crash at my place for some time. A bit later the same day, my parents-in-law called and said that they were going to come to town and stay for a few days.

It was obvious that the activation is working though not the way I wanted. During the next days, my long-forgotten classmates were popping out from nowhere. It took me sometime to decide if I am up for the second try of the activation. The next date happened to be the following week, so I activated the structure, thinking that it could not be worse. I got the send round of emails from all the people I knew instead of the cutomers. I thought, it is the business activation, I did it correctly, my measurements were right, what went wrong?

I was upset that it did not work for me. Yet, I tried it for the third time. As soon as, I started to get with emails from people that I barely knew, I stared to reply adding my business link and a short synopsis in the bottom of email. Imagine my surprise, when majority of the recipients went to my website and about a half of them bought something! That was a valuable lesson learned.

Since then I am suggesting this activation to everyone I know. These are the conclusions:

  • if you activate in the place of business, it will be easier for your customers to find you
  • if you do business activation at home, have a way for your potential customers to know about your business.

You can get access to the year’s worth of activation by obtaining the monthly subscription to Feng Shui Pearl, and to those who have already subscribed, you can find the activations here:

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Tell us your story of Pushing People In activations results by emailing or going to our Twitter or Facebook.

Posted on 04/04/2014 by FengShuiPearl

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